The Once and Future Smash
Northern UK Premiere
Directed by Sophia Cacciola and Michael J. Epstein
Starring: Michael St. Michaels, Bill Weeden, A.J. Cutler
USA, 2022, 83 minutes
“The Once and Future Smash is the story of Mikey Smash and William Mouth, who both played Smash-Mouth, the football-themed slasher character in the lost 1970 cult film, End Zone 2. They are now on the convention circuit 50 years later, trying to reclaim the iconic role in the upcoming reboot sequel that starts one hour into End Zone 2.
In addition to telling the history of the End Zone series, the film also features horror franchise directors, writers, and actors speaking about the influence End Zone 2 had on their work.”
If you’re a fan of cult films or if you’ve ever attended a comic con, this film has been made specifically for you. Filled with hilarious humour, fantastic performances from Michael St. Michaels (The Greasy Strangler, The Video Dead) and Bill Weeden (Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D., Psycho Ape!) and featuring interviews with genre icons such as Mark Patton, Victor Miller, Lloyd Kaufman and Richard Elfman, to name a few, this relentlessly entertaining mockumentary is essential viewing for all horror fans.